A New Mexico Land Ethic Handbook
| Non Fiction
Honoring the 75th Anniversary of Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac. A thoughtful and practical exploration of Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic, tracing its roots in the landscape of northern […]
ISBN 979-8-9888976-2-0
My Brooklyn Bridge
Take a Journey with Me As I Build a Career in Dentistry, Inventing, and Furniture
| Memoir
First-time author Jeffrey M. Hills invites readers to take a journey with him “over the bridge” as he builds careers in Dentistry, Inventing, and Furniture Building all while building bonds […]
ISBN 979-8-9888976-1-3

doughBelly’s Wisdom & Insanity
| Humor
This work, featuring a new introduction by scholar and doughBelly fan James J. O’Donnell, is reprinted from the original book by the author, which sold for $1 and appeared in […]
ISBN 9798988897606
No One Came to Taos to Be Jewish
| Memoir
Part memoir, part history, “No One Came to Taos to Be Jewish” is an extraordinary story of personal and communal transformation. The narrative documents a spiritual awakening among a group […]
ISBN 978-1737810957
Sacred Spiral
| ArtMemoir
We are the Aspen Song Kids from Taos Pueblo, a beautiful place in Northern New Mexico. Our mission is to preserve our culture, our heritage, our tradition, and our language. […]
ISBN 9781737810988
An Armchair Activist’s Haiku Dairy II
(Thoughts about recent events...and a call for change.)
| Poetry
The World in which we live is, to say the least, a world of great troubles, trepidation, and despair: social and political polarity, home- grown terrorism, assaults for sport—or for […]
ISBN 978-1-7378109-7-1
Take Another Piece of My Heart
| Memoir
Ten years ago, while skiing in Colorado, Lucy Herrman’s husband, Dirk, suffered an aortic dissection, an almost always fatal tearing of the lining of the aorta. The survival rate of […]
ISBN 978-1-7378109-6-4
Living the Leopolds’ Mi Casita Ecology
| Non Fiction
The authors describe and illustrate experiences of Aldo and Estella Leopold’s legacy in Tres Piedras, New Mexico. As Carson National Forest Supervisor and daughter of a founding New Mexico family, […]
ISBN 978-1737810940
An Armchair Activist’s Haiku Diary
(Or how I spent my time...when time was all I had.)
| Poetry
Musings on current and personal events, in haiku format, with haibun commentary.
ISBN 978-1-7378109-2-6
There Was Always Enough Time
| Poetry
“Lorraine Lener-Ciancio’s poems invite us to linger in her world briefly as she ponders love, loss, hunger, age, and longing. She makes it all seem like a comforting, knowable place. […]
ISBN 978-1737810919
Homescape Rewilding
Stories of Ordinary Ecological Practices
| Non Fiction
Annette and Richard provide inspiration in this book about their retirement pursuit of Rewilding practices for ecological service. In raconteur style, they describe their Taos, New Mexico Homescape cultures and […]
ISBN 978-1737810902
Oikos: Ecology of Northern New Mexico
| Non Fiction
Oikos: Ecology of Northern New Mexico is the fruit of the author’s nearly three decades of wildlife service in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Oregon, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. In it, Steve […]
ISBN 978-0986270673
Back to Walden
| Non Fiction
This short book about the history of Walden, Colorado, chronicles a typical history of a rural community but is still a very different story of small-town Americana. Back to Walden […]
ISBN 978-1733448376
Taos Horno Adventures
A Multicultural Culinary Memoir Informed by History and Horticulture
| Non Fiction
From the view of a retired physician and educator spouse, we share many life stories from over fifty years’ experience with the diverse cultures of Taos, living the shared cultures […]
ISBN 978-1733448352
Our Lady of Roswell: A Novel
| Fiction
In the final years of World War II, the Blessed Virgin Mary appears to Roswell, New Mexico, teenagers Antonio and Sixtus. She entrusts them to deliver a letter to a […]
ISBN 978-1733448345
Sweet Tarts for my Sweethearts
Stories & Recipes from a Culinary Career
| Non Fiction
For Bonnie Lee Black, writing and cooking have always been analogous. Both involve the thoughtful and loving preparation of something good for another’s consumption. This cookbook is a compilation of […]
The Ranching Heritage
A Collection of Stories, Illustrations, and Images from the Life and Family of Martin Torres
| Memoir
Martin Torres was born on January 30, 1929, to Onesimo Valentin and Ana Torres and raised on a ranch in Arroyo Seco, New Mexico. Martin was encouraged by his wife, […]
ISBN 978-1659826326
Weird Santa & other Xmas Tales
| Fiction
Weird Santa & other Xmas Tales is magic realism with a dash of erotic spiciness. The ten independent stories in this collection range from “A Doggie’s Tale,” a boy-and-his-dog story […]
ISBN 978-1733448314
The Wellman Stories: Passions, Professions and Politics in Iowa
| Memoir
Thirty-eight plus one fascinating stories! Two women chiropractors, Drs. Karen and Margaret, also life partners, happen into a small Iowa town called Wellman in 1986, just thirty-five minutes from […]
ISBN 978-1733448307
The Magic of Kindness
| Fiction
“The Magic of Kindness” is magic realism with a dash of erotic spiciness. Like the author’s previous collection of tales, it is a “novel in short stories.” The eight quirky […]
ISBN 978-0998680798
Roots of Enchantment
| Memoir
This is the extraordinary story of four ordinary men from Northern New Mexico—the roots they planted, their history, and the legacy they left in the Land of Enchantment. “ROOTS OF […]
ISBN 978-0998680774
The Visits
| Non Fiction
Dr. Loretta Ortiz y Pino, a beloved small-town pediatrician, was asleep one night when she awoke with a sense of intolerable restlessness. The voice of a friend who had recently […]
ISBN 978-0998680767
Shoot Me, Jesus
Tales of the Old & New Southwest: A Novel in Short Stories
| Fiction
Shoot Me, Jesus is a “novel in short stories,” what writer Jane Lawless called “erotic magic realism with a Southwestern spiciness.” Humor is an essential element of each story. The […]
ISBN 978-0998680743
Jamie’s Muse
| Fiction
The lost history of Bonnie Lee Black’s Scottish great-grandmother, Helen, has haunted the author for years. Why, as young newlyweds, did Helen and William Black leave their hometown, Kirriemuir, Angus, […]
ISBN 978-0998680736
Keepin’ On
Living Well with Parkinson's Disease
| Memoir
Written for fellow Parkinson’s patients, their families, and their friends, Keepin’ On chronicles a life of love, loss, longing, work, sports, travel, friendship, and intimacy—all against the backdrop of progressive […]
ISBN 978-0-9986807-2-9
Longtime Lost
| Memoir
Those of us women who were blessed with good and loving mothers, who taught us by example how to be good and loving mothers in turn, can scarcely imagine a […]
ISBN 978-0998680712
From Salt to Sage
| Memoir
From Salt to Sage is a collection of personal essays that captures the arc of a colorful American life, beginning with the author’s Italian family in New York through her […]
ISBN 978-0998680705
Unexpected Bride in the Promised Land
Journeys in Palestine and Israel
| Memoir
After hitchhiking from Paris to Jerusalem, Jordan in 1967, Iris Keltz had to wait three days for permission to cross a U.N. checkpoint into Jerusalem, Israel. That was enough time […]
ISBN 978-0986270697
El Legado: The Legacy
As a young boy, Antonio is inspired by his Abuelito’s “Libro de Dichos” (Book of Proverbs), and by his family’s generations-long connection to their beanfield in Peñasco, New Mexico. But […]
ISBN 978-0692620618
A Life Well Worn
A Collection of Personal Stories
| Memoir
Larry Schreiber’s life story is a love poem to Northern New Mexico and to all its inhabitants, as well as to Larry’s own children—so many of them adopted—and to his […]
ISBN 978-0986270666
Journey Down A Road Less Traveled
My Life and Career On Two Continents
| Memoir
This biography encompasses the life and career of an Australian physician who at 36 years of age sought to succeed in the competitive world of Academic Medicine in America. We […]
ISBN 978-0692507537
Danger at the Rodeo
| Young Adult Fiction
This exciting young adult book is the second to feature Emerson, his dog Lucky and his grandpa Charlie, a Navajo elder. This time, all three are headed to a week-long […]
ISBN 978-0692571668
Flying Colorado Mountain Weather
| Non Fiction
This seminal book highlights reading clouds and flying mountain weather. It’s a stick and rudder text, including full color photographs printed to art-quality standards. The material explains airplane crashes in […]
ISBN 978-0-9862706-4-2
De La Tierra
The Natural World of Northern New Mexico
| Non Fiction
De La Tierra: The Natural World of Northern New Mexico is a fact-filled guide to the wildlife, plants, and unique habitats of Northern New Mexico. Written by Steve Tapia, a […]
ISBN 978-0986270635
Coming of Age
| Memoir
Coming of Age: Come Rain or Come Shine took more than ten years to write. The author, finding herself alone, her marriage of forty-two years imploding, examines each piece of […]
ISBN 978-0692450253
Taos Hiking Guide
| Non Fiction
Written by Cindy Brown, hiking columnist for The Taos News, this all new Taos Hiking Guide has the most up to date information on 31 of the best trails near […]
ISBN 9780986270628
Gringo Lessons
Twenty Years of Terror in Taos
| Memoir
Gringo Lessons: Twenty Years of Terror in Taos is a tale of modern adventure about a young man who experienced the local culture from 1966 to 1987. There he met […]
ISBN 978-0986270604
Stranded at Sheep Camp
| Fiction
Eleven-year-old Emerson resents spending the summer at sheep camp with his Navajo grandfather. He is a misfit in a culture and lifestyle alien to him. Then he befriends a lost […]
ISBN 978-0615936895
The Place Where Wildness Dreams
| Non Fiction
The Place Where Wildness Dreams enters Earth’s dream, offers a new sensibility of who we are as part of an integral community, and opens our minds to the consciousness of […]
ISBN ISBN-13: 978-0692323403
Fire and Ash: The Alchemy of Cancer
| Memoir
This is a timeless, archetypal tale of going into the realm of death, into the grave, and resurrecting into a new, burnished life. Like The Pilgrim’s Progress and Dante’s Divine […]
ISBN 978-0692328590
Love and Terror in Greece, 1969
| Memoir
Steve Fox had just started his second semester of graduate English study at the University of Texas in January, 1967, when he was drafted to serve in the voracious Vietnam […]
ISBN 978-0615973852
Drinking from the Stream
Women's Prose and Poetry About Nature
| Creative Non Fiction
A collection of real life episodes, poems and essays from women who view nature through the lens of their experience. This book will transport the armchair traveler to the […]
ISBN 978-0615916873
Love on the Brink of History
A Memoir of a Contemporary Ancient Spiritual Initiation
| Memoir
NOW AVAILABLE At the age of forty, Ethel, who grew up in Los Angeles, California, decided to take possession of her true name, Hannah—the name on her Israeli birth certificate. […]
ISBN 978-0615893334
Inside Outsiders
| Young Adult Fiction
“Eileen Wiard’s debut novel hums with a rich understanding of the challenges kids face daily around identity, acceptance, and tough life choices. As 13-year-old Crystal navigates the difficult terrain of […]
ISBN 978-0615892863
Doing Time
| Memoir
I didn’t set out to be a terrorist. As a student activist, I moved from protesting the war in Vietnam to waging guerrilla warfare to overthrow the government. A bank […]
ISBN 978-0615893778
Tributes & Tirades: Taos Life and American Politics
| Non Fiction
Tributes and Tirades: Taos Life and American Politics is a collection of commentaries and opinions on events in a troubled period in American politics and life in Taos, a storied […]
ISBN 978-0615807997
Storied Recipes
short-short (true) stories & the recipes that flavor them A SOMOS Cookbook, Taos, New Mexico
| Non Fiction
SOMOS, a Taos non-profit organization known as the literary heart of Taos, has created Storied Recipes—an attractive 200-page cookbook that features 84 short stories with accompanying recipes submitted by friends of […]
ISBN 978-1478397519
Remarkable Women of Taos
A Year Long Community-wide Celebration Honoring Outstanding Taoseñas
| Non Fiction
A “year-end report” commemorating the Remarkable Women of Taos 2012 Project, a yearlong celebration honoring outstanding historic and contemporary women of Taos. The book includes profiles for 167 historic and contemporary women in 6 categories: Legends (women past), Arts, Outdoors, Business, Well-Being, and Community Profiles. Over 400 women participated in events and exhibitions throughout the 2012 Project which won the Best Campaign of 2012 TIARA Award (Tourism Industry Association Recognition Awards) at the recent 2013 Governor’s Conference on Tourism. More than 770 women are named in the exhaustive index to the work.
ISBN 978-0615812755
The Story of Saint Sister Angelica
| Fiction
A work of historical fiction, The Story of Saint Sister Angelica follows a young French woman at the time of the Renaissance who is orphaned but finds her calling in service to God. She creates an orphanage in Meaux and travels to Italy and with her brother.
ISBN 978-1257652631
How to Make an African Quilt
The Story of the Patchwork Project of Ségou, Mali
| Memoir
How do we stitch cultural differences, join disparate worlds, to create something both beautiful and useful? Bonnie Lee Black subtly addresses these universal questions through vivid stories of her life-changing experience living and working in the fabled city of Ségou, Mali, in West Africa.
ISBN 978-0615773391
How to Cook a Crocodile
| Memoir
Joining the Peace Corps at the age of fifty and posted to the tiny town of Lastoursville in the thickly rain-forested interior of Gabon, Central Africa, Bonnie taught health, nutrition and cooking. She developed her own healthy recipe for a purposeful life, made in equal measures of good food, safe shelter, meaningful work, and unexpected love.
ISBN 678-0-948700-8-7 (Order via Amazon.com)