“In Taos, N.M., lived Doughbelly* Price, a man who for 50 years has made his living by being a character. He has been a cowpuncher, bootlegger, petty thief, champion rodeo rider, short order cook, gambler, short change artist, con man, carnival grifter, unorthodox real estate agent and champion of human rights. A pugnacious little man in high heels, he has never gotten over the fact that nature sawed him a little short. As a cowboy and champion bronc rider, the fact that the stirrups had always to be taken up on all the bad horses he has ever ridden; has been an everlasting tragedy to Doughbelly*. Price had sojourned in Taos since that unlucky hour when a bronc took final revenge on him by landing on his leg. From bootlegger, during the prohibition era, to restaurant owner and finally New Mexico’s most ubiquitous real estate agent, he traveled from problem child to mellowed respectability. The name Doughbelly*, which was the only first name Price was known by for years, was the result of years as a cow camp cook. Price said he always had a “round little belly” which was usually covered with flour and dough from rubbing against the kitchen table or chuck wagon tail gate where he made biscuits. ”
Excerpted from Richard Hubler’s introduction to the book “Short Stirrups,” published by Price in 1960. Reprinted in his obituary in the Santa Fe New Mexican, 10 June 1963.
*Price spelled the name “doughBelly”.