Roots of Enchantment
Historia de mi Antepasados
6x9 inches
182 pages
ISBN 978-0998680774
Historia de mi Antepasados
6x9 inches
182 pages
ISBN 978-0998680774
This is the extraordinary story of four ordinary men from Northern New Mexico—the roots they planted, their history, and the legacy they left in the Land of Enchantment.
“ROOTS OF ENCHANTMENT is a history of Northern New Mexico on a grand scale that is given much insight and vividness through the intimate personal lives of generations of Romero and Mondragon family members. Their stories are interwoven throughout a panoramic overview comprising centuries. It’s a fascinating journey that moves back and forth in time from Juan de Onate to Barack Obama. In all, this is an intricate and valuable history lesson and also a powerful memoir. I loved it. —John Nichols, Taos, New Mexico