6 x 9 "
148 pages
ISBN 978-0692328590
This is a timeless, archetypal tale of going into the realm of death, into the grave, and resurrecting into a new, burnished life. Like The Pilgrim’s Progress and Dante’s Divine Comedy, Fire & Ash reminds us that each soul is called to return to God, and the path chosen is as individual as each one of us. Anyone who has had cancer, or been close to someone with cancer, will resonate with this powerful, truthful account of Christine Sherwood’s odyssey, from the depths of suffering to the highest spiritual realms of love, forgiveness, and compassion. If readers will allow it, this book will bring them to a depth of feeling and an expansion of their compassion they didn’t know they possessed.
In Fire and Ash, Christine Sherwood does the impossible: She makes sense out of cancer. Her journey into darkness and back out again will save lives, helping others to know there is a brilliant and unwavering light at the end of the tunnel.
— Sean Murphy, author of the International Book Award
winner One Bird, One Stone and The Time of New Weather